The maximal square Hexamaze is 13 x 13

What is Hexamaze?

The Game Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes (KTANE) involves cooperatively solving a series of puzzles in order to defuse a bomb. In the game, the player with the bomb needs to relay information presented to them in the module to the other player who has the manual on how to defuse the bomb. Notably, the defuser cannot see the manual, and the player with the manual cannot see the bomb.

In hexamaze, the defuser is presented with a small hexagonal grid with a few icons on it and a colored peg. The defuser then must convey the relative positions of the symbols on the hexagonal grid to the player with the manual. In the manual, there is a larger hexagonal grid, which contains the small one that the player sees, up to rotation. It is then the goal of the manual player to align the small subgrid that the defuser has to the large grid in the manual and instruct the defuser how to guide the peg out of the maze.

In the example below, the highlighted blue section on the rightmost image is the subgrid that the defuser sees, correctly overlayed on the grid that the manual user sees, as conveyed by the circle, hexagon, and triangle indicators which need to line up.
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What the defuser sees What the manual user sees The subgrid properly alligned to the large grid

Making it Mathy

Finding the correct orientation of the maze wasn't so hard, right? From this game arises a natural question, or at least it did to my friends and I: "what is the hardest you can make a hexamaze?". In order to keep things interesting, tractible, and explainable without going too much more into the details of KTANE, we will make some simplifying assumptions:
  1. The board will be a square
  2. The symbols will be arrows facing up, down, left, or right, or are blank.
  3. The "defuser" will see a 2 \times 2 subgrid of the board.
To formally state the problem: You are tasked with filling in a n \times n board with symbols, \{\uparrow, \downarrow, \rightarrow, \leftarrow, \quad\}, in each cell such that every 2 \times 2 subgrid is unique up to rotation. What is the largest value of n for which this is possible? For simplicity a "tile" will refer to a 2 \times 2 subgrid, and a "cell" will refer to a single square in the grid.

A Quick Upperbound

For the sake of example, we can demonstrate the following upperbound. The board cannot be larger than 26 \times 26. To see why, consider that there are 5 (up, down, left, right, blank) symbols that can be placed on the board, and 4 squares that the user sees. Thus, if we ignore rotation, there are 5^4 unique 2 \times 2 patterns. On a 26 \times 26 board, there are 25 \times 25 = 5^4, 2 \times 2 subgrids, and thus, if the board were any larger we would run out of unique 2 \times 2 tiles to place on the board.

Doing a Bit Better

From here, Burnside's lemma was discussed as potentially being useful. Burnside's lemma describes the number of orbits when a group G acts on a set X
\vert X / G \vert = \frac{1}{\vert G\vert} \sum_{g \in G} \vert \{x \in X \mid g \cdot x = x\} \vert
To utilize this, we let X be the set of configurations of a 2 \times 2 tile, and G = \{e, \circlearrowright, \circlearrowright^2, \circlearrowright^3\} be the cyclic group of order 4 where the action in question is rotation clockwise by 90^\circ . For example (with colors added to make the rotation more apparent) we have: \circlearrowright^3 \cdot \begin{bmatrix} \blue{\uparrow} & \green{\downarrow} \\ \red{\rightarrow} & \purple{\leftarrow}\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} \green{\rightarrow} & \purple{\downarrow} \\ \blue{\leftarrow} & \red{\uparrow} \end{bmatrix} Applying the theorem, we count the fixed points under each rotation:
  1. Under no rotation, everything is fixed, so this adds 5^4 to our sum
  2. Under clockwise rotation by 90^\circ, the only fixed points are the square of all blanks and the rotations of the square \begin{bmatrix} \uparrow & \rightarrow \\ \leftarrow & \downarrow \end{bmatrix} which all together will add 1 + 4 = 5 to the sum.
  3. Under a 180^\circ rotation, we see that we can fix two tiles, and then the other two will automatically be fixed. This results in an additional 5^2 = 25 to the sum.
  4. For 270^\circ, the same reasoning as 90^\circ applies leaving us with another 5.
This means, all together, there are \frac{1}{4}\left(5^4 + 5 + 5^2 + 5\right) = 165 orbits, or, 165 tiles up to rotation!

This means that we cannot have a 14 \times 14 board or larger, as this will have 169, 2 \times 2 tiles which will require us to use a duplicate. This is a massive improvement on our 26 \times 26 bound from before!

Constructing the Best Board

I must confess, the story I've told so far all took place before I was brought onto the problem. This all happened over the course of a math club dinner which I didn't attend. However, during that dinner, despite quickly finding the upperbound via the methods I described above, they unsurprisingly found constructing boards with no duplicate tiles turns out to be very difficult by hand. As such, whether 14 was a tight bound remained a mystery, was it even possible to build a 13 \times 13 board under the constraints? Hearing about the discussion of this problem in a Discord call later that night, I thought I could help with my favorite tool: SAT Solvers.

This blog assumes knowledge of what SAT and SAT solvers are. A quick summary can be found on Wikipedia. While this problem seems quite complicated to encode, it is actually not too difficult. After a bit of thinking, I encoded the problem with the following procedure:
  1. Each square has 5 variables, one for each symbol
  2. Every 2 \times 2 combination tile of variables implies exactly one of 165 "equivalence class" variables associted with the tile
  3. There must be at most one of each class of equivalence class variables set accross all of the tiles.
I should add, by this point it was around 4am and I had just come home from a night in New York City, so I was exhausted. I wasn't really considering how to optimally encode the problem - I just wanted to see what would happen if I tried a naive strategy - I could improve it tomorrow morning. With my encoding scheme, for a 13 \times 13 board, this encoding results in (13^2 * 5) + (12^2 * 165) = 24605 problem variables. At first, when I saw this I was a bit disheartened - I was too tired to implement any clever encoding of the cardinality constraints, and knowing the naive encoding I cooked up would be roughly O(n^2) clauses, I felt I should probably go to bed and come back to the problem in the morning. But, something in me pushed me to try it anyway. And to my surprise, despite the tragically large number of clauses, 1795739 to be exact, cadical spit out an answer almost immediately!

It turned out a 13 \times 13 board was possible! I quickly wrote a script to decode the output from cadical, and my sleep deprived brain couldn't believe its eyes. I proudly present: the hardest possible square hexamaze!


Don't believe me that it's hard? Try to find this in the grid (remember, up to rotation!)