About Me!

Well, if you've made it this far you probably know I'm a CS student at CMU. I like the theory side of CS in particular type theory and everything and anything math-y. You can take a look at some of my more notable projects below or read my blog for some cool math!

Besides CS and math, I love music. While I'm not too good, I'm a self-taught guitar player and from time to time I dabble in remixes and other digital music. Check out some stuff I've done on my music! page :D


I've been programming since I was a wee lad - the age old tale of "I like video games! I want to make video games!" But over time I realized that there's so much more out there than just games, and most of it is way more interesting! I've taken a look at a couple areas of CS from AI/ML to functional programming with dependent types. I'm particularly interested in Formal Methods and am a bit of a type/category theory shill. As of recently, I've been writing a lot of Lean and working with interactive theorem provers. I'm also really interested in SAT and SMT solving.

My favorite languages to work with as of right now are probably Rust and Lean 4. In the future, I really want to learn more dependently typed languages and on my todo list in particular are Scala and Agda.

Most of my projects are on my Github. Check them out!


I'm a self taught guitar play who likes to play a little bit of everything! As of right now, I play a lot of progressive metal and djent. My favorite guitarists are Tosin Abasi, Misha Mansoor, Tim Henson, and Mark Holcomb. Besides guitar, I dabble a bit in digital music primarily making remixes and SiIvaGunner style "rips" of video game music. It's silly, but I enjoy it. If you wanna check some of them out check out my music page!

As an aside, I love sharing music I love with people I love! With that in mind, I've linked my Spotify. Feel free to check it out, maybe you'll find something you never knew you would like!


If you've made it this far, thanks! I know, I'm super interesting :sunglasses:. I have a bunch more I'd love to talk to you about, so feel free to check out my Blog!